One of the most important roles of a fire department is providing fire and life safety education for the public that they serve. The North Greece Fire and Life Safety education program has been striving to instruct our community for over 30 years. In 1987, the North Greece Fire District (NGFD) became one of only two Monroe County fire departments to place a firefighter full-time in the position of a fire safety educator. At that time, school programs were developed and taught to children in kindergarten through fifth grade using the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) Learn Not to Burn curriculum. In addition, national statistics were showing that children as young as 3 and 4-years old were starting fires by playing with matches and lighters. In response to this, NGFD developed a preschool fire safety program to address this problem that is still in use today. Since its inception, the NGFD Fire and Life Safety program has been expanded to middle school grades (6th through 8th) with the plan of reaching more into the high school level soon.

Car Seat Safety

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