NGFD Announces New Fire Chief


The North Greece Board of Fire Commissioners announces the hiring of Sam DeRosa as their Fire Chief to lead the District’s Administration and Operations. DeRosa most recently served as Monroe County’s appointee as the Interim Director of Monroe County Office of Emergency Management. He also served as the Monroe County Fire Coordinator, a position he held since 2008. “I’m thrilled … Read More

Commissioner Election December 13th


1766 Latta Road 2-9 PM Running for the 5 Year Term: Michael Beaty Alan DeCarlo Frank Lombardo Running for the 4 Year Term: Brian Anten Michael MacKenzie  

Meeting Scheduled for October 27th


The North Greece Fire District Board of Fire Commissioners will be holding an additional meeting at 1766 Latta Road, Rochester, NY 14612 on October 27, 2016 at 6:00 PM for the purpose of an executive session to discuss the hiring of personnel.

August 30th Meeting Scheduled


  The North Greece Fire District Board of Fire Commissioners will be holding an additional meeting at 1766 Latta Road, Rochester, NY 14612 on August 30, 2016 at 6:30 PM for the purpose of an executive session to discuss the hiring of personnel.